SN Kimya (SROUJI) company has been established in Mersin-Turkey 2015 as a continuation of an important part of two of the oldest and most prestigious detergents companies in Syria: Boushra for detergents Co. and Nada for Detergents Co.
The company was founded with the aim of producing various types of household cleaners, laundry detergents and cosmetics.
With that accord with our set of quality and experience for over forty years in that fields.
Nada Company was the first company produced paste detergent in Syria. While Boushra Company was the first to produce detergent powder for colored laundry, which protect their colors from any change, it is also the first to produce the highly concentrated powder detergents in Syria too.
Boushra Company was the only detergents company in Syria, which got the ISO 14001 for environmental safety besides ISO 9001.
SN Kimya Company has the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 at the beginning of 2017.
Our company SN Kimya depends on modern methods to producing its products. We used the spray mixing method NTD to produce our powder detergents in high homogeneous form.
The company has a section for quality control in the company laboratory to make the physical and chemical analysis for all products.
SN Kimya uses high quality raw material from the biggest world famous raw material producers in its products.
The company’s future aims in both developing current production and manufacturing some of the raw materials needed to its products. Our motto is always permanent improvement and development for the better.
SN Kimya Company believes that its commitment to high quality and respect and meet the costumer desire and application of quality control system and provide all possible means to achieve this is the main reason why prestige and tradition that reached previously by both Boushra and Nada Companies.
That is what we desire to continue through our long experience in this filed sought to develop all the means enable us to achieve this by developing methods of production and packaging continuously keep pace with the time.
Maintaining quality and having it permanently through:
- Support and develop scientifically through strengthening the capacity of the company’s lab and keep up on all the recent studies, which could contribute to the development of detergent industry. Collaboration with the most important and largest manufactures of raw materials.
- Collaboration with the most important and largest manufactures of raw materials.
- Continue to apply quality assurance systems in production processes, selection of raw materials, packaging materials, finished product check, with the application of sophisticated accounting system and observe health and safety regulation in all company facilities.

- Providing products known for its high quality (Boushra, Nada).
- Access to all and meet their needs and requirements either of better quality or of suitable (right) price.
- Continued development of all products based on science and experience set up a part by.
- Re export our products to various Arabic and global markets as before.